How to install mariadb on mac os
How to install mariadb on mac os

how to install mariadb on mac os

#How to install mariadb on mac os registration#

20:26:33 0 Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. 20:26:33 0 Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error. 20:26:33 0 InnoDB: Plugin initialization aborted with error Data structure corruption Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/usr/local/var/mysql'.

how to install mariadb on mac os

This means that you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames Normally with the exception that host name resolving will not work. This probably means that your libc libraries are not 100 % compatible WARNING: The host 'mymac' could not be looked up with /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.11/bin/resolveip. I'm new to mariadb / mysql and so I followed this guide from (as pointed out, this is oudated (2016)) and ran mysql_install_db: $ mysql_install_db You can try again using `brew postinstall mariadb` Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully Please check all of the above before submitting a bug report The latest information about mysql_install_db is available at general-log gives you a log in /usr/local/var/mysql that may be helpful. Try 'mysqld -help' if you have problems with paths. Shell> /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.11/bin/mysql -u root mysql Last 15 lines from /Users/me/Library/Logs/Homebrew/mariadb/post_install.01.mysql_install_db: => /usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.11/bin/mysql_install_db -verbose -user=me -basedir=/usr/local/Cellar/mariadb/10.4.11 -datadir= So I'm running macOS 10.15.2 Catalina and try to install mariadb (10.4.11, the lastest version) with Homebrew.Īfter running brew install mariadb, brew warned that the postinstalllation didn't complete successfully: => Postinstalling mariadb Mysql works fine after a clean install by brew uninstall mysql and removing anything related in $(brew -prefix),īut mariadb still won't work with brew unlink mysql & brew link mariadb & brew services start mariadb without removing mysql database files in $(brew -prefix). (you can check them in /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/.rb). I'm on macOS 10.15.7, the versions in brew formulas is 10.5.6 for mariadb and 8.0.21 for mysql.

How to install mariadb on mac os